Bylaws of Archivists of Central Texas
Article I – Name and Purpose
Section 1. Name
The name of the organization shall be the Archivists of Central Texas.
Section 2. Purpose
The Archivists of Central Texas is organized exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or as amended.
The purpose of this organization is:
- To provide development opportunities for Austin area archivists;
- To increase public awareness of archives through education and the promotion of archival repositories and their activities in the greater Austin area.
Article II – Membership
Section 1. Membership
Membership shall consist of the board of directors.
Article III – Board of Directors
Section 1. Board role and size
The board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the organization. The board shall have up to seven, but not less than three members.
Section 2. Terms of Office
All board members shall serve a staggered three year term. Directors may serve terms in succession. The term of office follows the fiscal year, which shall be the calendar year, January-December.
Section 3. Board Elections
During the annual business meeting, the board of directors shall elect directors to replace those whose terms will expire at the end of the fiscal year. New directors shall be elected by a majority of directors present at the meeting, provided there is a quorum present. A call for new board members will be made prior to the annual meeting.
Section 4. Vacancies
Should a director be unable to fulfill their term on the board, the secretary will place a call for a new board member. A new board member shall be elected by a majority of directors present at the meeting to fulfill the remainder of the particular board member’s term.
Section 5. Termination
A board member may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the remaining directors.
Article IV- Officers
Section 1. Officers and Duties
There shall be three officers of the board, consisting of a president, secretary and treasurer. Each officer serves a two year term.
The president coordinates the organization’s meetings, including creating the agenda and sending notice of the meetings, and presides over the meetings.
The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the records of the board actions, including taking of minutes at meetings, and assuring that records are maintained as required by law, including any amendments made to the bylaws.
The treasurer is custodian of all funds, reports to the organization at meetings on the financial standing of the organization, maintains the financial records and oversees the preparation of the annual report and submission of required tax forms.
Section 2. Nominations and Elections of Officers
Nominations for officers can be made by any board member. An election shall only occur if there is more than one person vying for a position, in which case voting shall be by secret ballot. Election shall be by simple majority. No person shall be elected to any office or named to any position of responsibility who has not freely offered his or her name for the purpose.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1. Meetings and notice
The organization shall meet a minimum of once a year in November for an annual business meeting with at least a three week advance notice of date and place.
Section 2. Notice and Attendance
All meetings are open to the general public and new business may be introduced at any meeting. Official notices of all organizational business shall be by any and all forms of electronic media that the organization uses.
Section 3. Quorum
A quorum of at least three directors is required to conduct business.
Section 4. Special meetings
Any board member or committee chair may call a special meeting.
Article VI – Committees
Section 1. Creation of Committees
Any board member is authorized to establish committees to work on projects.
Section 2. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of board members and all chairs of committees appointed by the board.
Article VII Bylaws, Dissolution and Archives
Section 1. Amendment of Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended only at the annual business meeting by a ⅔ majority of board members present, provided that the board of directors is notified of the proposed amendment(s) at least three weeks prior to the annual business meeting. No amendment shall be made to these bylaws which would cause the organization to cease to qualify as an exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or as amended.
Section 2. Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of this organization, any funds or assets shall be donated to the Society of Southwest Archivists, if at that time it is an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and if not, to any other association exempt under Section 501 (c) (3). Dissolution will be by a ⅔ majority of those board members present at a special meeting, provided that there is a quorum present at the meeting. The notification shall be at least three weeks in advance of the special called meeting.
Section 3. Archives of the Organization
Records of the organization shall be maintained at the Austin History Center, Austin Public Library.
These bylaws were approved at a meeting of the board of directors by a two-thirds majority vote on June 12, 2017.